LeopardLass (also known as JustAbby) is an aerial performer, burlesque dancer and roving entertainer. We spent five minutes with this larger-than-life artist about the things she treasures.
What are your five favourite things at home?
1. The Lady Gaga portrait in my bedroom. I had it commissioned by an SA artist, Marcus Rumbelow, with my favourite lyric of hers: 'Russian roulette is not the same without a gun'. It reminds me that if you're going to do something, do it properly.
2. My antique writing bureau/bookcase. It was the first piece of furniture I bought for myself after separating from my husband.
3. My clothes! Hung on racks at either side of the wooden French doors of my bedroom. They're filled to the brim with costume pieces, leotards, leather, feathers, lace, sequins, scarves and everything else in between!
4. My kitchen. It's where it all happens. Complete with dark slate floors and wooden table that my Mum rubbed back and varnished for me, it's where I hang out with my kids, family and friends overlooking the (terribly overgrown!) backyard.
5. The front door. I'm not a home-body (I'm out more than at home, with work, performances and general swanning about), but I like it for no other reason other than it symbolises being home.
What are your top five professional moments?

1. Performing in my first Adelaide Fringe event in 2012 with an aerial routine to a sellout crowd. Talk about a BUZZ!
2. Finishing 4th in the South Australian final of the Miss Burlesque Australia competition in 2013.
3. Being chosen to perform (burlesque) for a UK production during the Adelaide Fringe in 2014, among performers from the UK and Europe.
4. Being invited back to rove/perform for Adelaide Vintage Expo in 2013, after the inaugural Expo in 2012.
5. Being introduced to the LizardMan, whilst in full "snake" bodypaint. His face was priceless and I was grinning from ear to ear.
What are your top five cheat day foods?
1. Fries! I love them!
2. An iced coffee from The Corner Store on Semaphore. Fresh espresso, vanilla ice cream and full cream milk served in a chilled milkshake tin.
3. Any dessert from Devour Dessert Bar on Prospect Road.
4. Pizza from Etica on Gilles Street in the city.
5. I'm a sucker for a good burger too! OH! And onion rings!
What are the top five hazards of your job?
There's only one, and I don't think of it as a hazard but falling.
My tip: don't fall!
Name five moments you wish hadn't happened.
I really try not to focus on the negative. If you do, you will always pick apart a performance/scenario and skip over what you did well... It's about learning from the bits you didn't like/didn't do so well in and moving on. Forwards and upwards. Forever Fabulous!

See more of Leopard Lass' work on Facebook.
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