Today we're doing something different and interviewing fab artist AND person Rebekah Pearson. Rebekah studied ceramic design in Ireland then went on to become a ceramic designer in Dublin before commencing her journey to Australia where she has started illustrating children's books. Rebekah has also kindly shared a recipe (complete with photos) with us which will be posted later this week.
Tell us about your personal journey in becoming an illustrator.
My gran was an art teacher and never threw anything out so when my brother and I would go to her house after school we would just create, everything from dolls houses to space ships. Gran helped me to illustrate my first book bout my cat- 'Mo' (Toxoplasmosis). I studied craft design specialising in ceramics in the National College of Art and Design in Dublin. During uni I concentrated on making large scale ceramic sculptures.
I went on to design and make ceramic nightlights for 'This Little Light of Mine' in Dublin but there were only two of us in the company, the other girl ran the business side of things while I made the work, and I found it quite solitary and monotonous. I left after six months and travelled for a year before moving to Melbourne in 2008.
Stop motion animation had always interested me as it combined all the areas of the art world that I loved; sculpture, set and costume design and the mechanics of the metal armatures inside the puppets. I was accepted into the VCA postgrad in stop motion animation but unfortunately being a non-Australian resident the $33,000 price tag was a bit too much for me!
I decided instead to do short courses in everything that had interested me from millinery to shoe making to glass blowing. During this time I really got into painting in oils and water colours and had several solo and group exhibitions around Melbourne including the Jasper Gallery and the Brunswick Street Gallery.
I started working on illustrations for a book in 2010, which is how I met the lovely people at Little Fox Press on Brunswick Street. I started work on The Cobbler Mage in January of this year, and was delighted to have a finished book for sale at the pop-up shop I did with an artist friend (Bekka and theBorgosuarus- check out our facebook page!) in the SO;ME space at the South Melbourne Market in June.
Can you tell us about your design process beginning from finding inspiration for a brief?
Generally it starts with collecting imagery- either going out and taking photographs or researching on the Internet. Then making some sketches, consulting with the client and making any changes they might want before working on a finished piece. With most of my illustrations I ink up the lines with an old fashioned nib dipped in Indian ink and then use water colour and pencil to add colour.
Joy of the process and the finished product. As convenient as computers are, they will never compete with something that is unique and lovingly handmade.
Tell us about a time when you had no motivation to draw, but had to do something because of a deadline. What did you do?
Drink more coffee!! Generally a lack of motivation to draw comes from tiredness. I also think that being versatile in the mediums with which you work stops you from getting bored.
What are some tips for readers who would like to develop their drawing skills in their own time, rather than complete a course?
Just keep drawing. Draw everything. When I was traveling I lost my camera (twice!) so I just drew pictures of my adventures instead. I always carry a note book for doodles. When I draw something I tend to commit it to memory far better than just taking a photo, you create a special bond with your subject. Try everything; ink, water colour, oil, pastel, fabric, print, ceramic, glass, mix it all up!! Find out what works for you but don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Galleries are great for inspiration, and I love the great outdoors!! Drop into an occasional life drawing class. There is inspiration everywhere really, in your surroundings and especially in the people you meet.
And finally, are there any secret projects coming up that you'd like to share with us?
I am currently working on label designs for a beer and also have been doing a few wedding invitations. There are quite a few kids books in the pipeline, and I'm also planning on getting my hands dirty again with a return to some ceramic work. The Cobbler Mage will have a book launch later in the year- there is a plan to have a puppet show for the first chapter of the book- date to be confirmed, but everyone is invited!!
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