Monday, August 26, 2013

Five minutes with fashion blogger, Lady Melbourne

As editor of Melbourne-based fashion blog, ‘Lady Melbourne,’ Phoebe Montague’s fashion commentary and style has earned her a reputation as one of Australia’s key fashion bloggers. Founded in 2007, the blog has grown to include a social media reach of over 50,000 unique likes, fans and followers across platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Discuss your five favourite things at home.
Artwork, fresh flowers, books, candles and the one I love. 

What are your top five professional moments?
1. Winning 'Best Fashion Blog,' at the NuffNang Asia Pacific Blog Awards in 2009
2. Being on the cover of Peppermint magazine in 2009, the first blogger to ever appear on an Australian magazine cover 
3. In 2012 I worked with digital blogging agency to organise Fashionopolis, Australia’s first ever national industry day for fashion bloggers.
4. Being flown to Hong Kong in 2013 to shoot in various locations for the blog
5. My 1000th Blog Post Party at Miss Fox in 2011

Tempt us with your five best cheat day foods.
1. Homemade chocolate brownies
2. Croissants
3. Crusty bread with butter
4. Chocolate cake
5. Triple cream brie.

As a photographer, your five best shoot locations?
1. New York
2. Hong Kong
3. Anywhere inner-city Melbourne
4. Natural light at sunset
5. Grand old buildings.

And finally, reveal five moments you wish hadn't happened.
I don't regret moments or things that did or didn't happen, I think it slows you down to dwell on negatives. I do have a nice long list of things that I didn't buy on my recent stint in New York that I wish I had, if you care to hear...?
1. A Nepalese beaded handbag from a trader just off Broadway, it was $50.
2. A butter yellow porcelain mason jar for $8 that exactly matches the colour of some tiles in my bathroom.
3. A royal blue glass lemon juicer from the 1930s at the Chelsea Antique garage. It was $20.
4. The perfect pink lipstick at Sephora.
5. A pair of heart shaped gold earrings from a little boutique in the East Village.



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