Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Re-worked vintage - Before and after

 At Bleecker Street Vintage you'll find the odd re-worked vintage piece here and there. Sometimes a vintage piece may come in that is a little too over the top and needs a little updating.  Most times, it usually involves removing something small, but on other occasions and when possible sleeves are removed. Minimal work is done on a piece to keep costs down for the customer.

The (rather badly taken) photo above is an example of a dress that was altered on Sunday. The dress is layered and is quite long. Additionally, on the back of belt (which you can't see ) is a rose made from fabric. On the front is a long scarf looking detail connected from the shoulder and waist which reaches to the bottom of the dress (I don't know the technical term, but if you do, then let us know.)

Before attacking it, I looked at the dress in detail to find where design details were connected and assessed how long it would take to alter the dress. Finally, I decided what would be altered and began.

Here is the finished piece. Only two alternations were done for this dress. The rose was removed from the belt and  a layer of the dress was shortened. I also wanted to  remove the long scarf thingy, but that would involve unpicking the waist and shoulder and since the dress is lined, it would take too long. I think the dress looks much more wearable, but still has the 80's look about it which is very popular right now.  What do you think of the transformation?

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