Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tailoring Tomorrow

Image swiped from Peppermint Mag to promote their event. :-)

If you are curious about sustainable fashion and manufacturing, then perhaps you should consider attending Tailoring Tomorrow at Donkey Wheel House - 673 Bourke St on Thursday January 17. See you there!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year with friends, family & loved ones.

At Bleecker Street Vintage, we have had a few days off here and there, but have had staff running the store at SO:ME Space, South Melbourne Market.

This year we have plans to expand our home wares online, introduce men's vintage shirts and...fingers crossed, begin short production runs of our own clothes. Hooray! 

We have been offered a space to participate in a fashion show during the  L'Oreal Fashion Festival in Melbourne this year, but we may have to give that one a miss due to time constraints. 

The photo above is of a new block I am making based on the Japanese style. The Japanese have a knack for perfecting things, which is one of the reasons I am giving these blocks try. The blocks are a few weeks away from being finished, but we'll post updates from time to time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our upgraded online store is up & running!

This past week has been spent upgrading the Bleecker Street online store and boy does it look GREAT! There may be another change or two coming up, but we'll leave it alone for now. Eventually we want to merge the Bleecker Street Vintage domain name with the store to make it a complete website, but since the domain name was purchased from google it may not be possible. But for now please enjoy our upgraded online store, with bigger photos & easier navigation. Let us know what you think!

Oh...btw, new exciting stock arriving on the online store tomorrow!